Struts-it is an accumulation of solutions for struts-based programs. The members of this project had been involved in many big J2EE and struts projects. In these projects they had programmed a couple of solutions of main and special problems. In this forum they will offer their solutions to the open source community. Struts-it is hosted at
Struts it is the imperative for all programmers that uses JSP and Servlets.
Yes. Struts has a good concept of a implementation of the front controller. The other parts of MVC can be implemented with other techniques well.
The barrier of been integrating in struts-it is much lower than by the struts framework. We offers solution that are born in real projects. Some solutions are "not ready". If we think there is a solution that has to be integrate into the struts framework we will contribute it.
Definitely no. We provide the solutions by the gnu lesser public licence so you are free to use the classes in comercial or not-comercial projects.
No. We plan to offer an architecture for struts developing and also solutions for different problems. In this case we have several sub-projects like
We also plan to write howto's for problems that can be solved with struts itsself. Many mechanism from struts are not well known e.g. the wonderful actions like DispatchAction.
Important is: We offer only solutions that may not changed the struts framework itsself. That makes no sense. Every solutions must work with the versions of struts and the nightly builds. For that it is recommanded that every solution has a junit test or an other testcase. The second condition is, that the solution is well documented. We offer a style-guide for html-documentation and a template to do it well. First we have installed maven as a configuration management tool. It helps to keep quality.